

21.577 kr. inkl. moms 18.340 kr. inkl. moms

7 på lager

573 kr. pr. måned
Ved et samlet kreditbeløb på 21.577 kr. over 48 mdr.: Månedlig ydelse 573 kr. Samlede kreditomk. 5.903 kr. Samlet tilbagebetaling 27.480 kr. Debitorrente (fast) 0,00%. ÅOP (forudsat betaling via Mit Sparxpres) 13,14%. Der er fortrydelsesret.


Evolution Line Exhaust System

  • This is a top-of-the-range full system beautifully crafted from high-grade ultra-lightweight titanium
  • It is the lightest Akrapovic complete exhaust system, weighing just 4.4 kg – which is over 57% lighter than the stock system
  • The deep, true racing sound is perfectly tuned to match the increased performance
  • For perfect performance, throttle response, and durability, special mapping developed by Akrapovic in collaboration with our partner Rapid Bike by Dimsport has to be used

  • Yderligere information

    Vægt 5,415 kg
    Størrelse 70,4 × 32,5 × 27,5 cm
    Mærke Model Årgang
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    SUZUKI GSX-R 1000 R ABS 2018
    SUZUKI GSX-R 1000 R ABS 2019
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    SUZUKI GSX-R 1000 R ABS 2021
    SUZUKI GSX-R 1000 R ABS 2022
    SUZUKI GSX-R 1000 R ABS 2023
    SUZUKI GSX-R 1000 R ABS 2024
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    SUZUKI GSX-R 1000 RZ ABS 2023
    SUZUKI GSX-R 1000 X ABS 2019

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