Varenummer (SKU): 44020786 Kategori:

283 kr. inkl. moms

9 på lager


SMH10R Accessory Kit

  • The SMH10R is a Bluetooth 3.0 stereo headset with long-range Bluetooth intercom designed specifically for motorcycle riders who prefer smaller form factor for maximizing their riding performance, yet maintaining rich features of Bluetooth intercom
  • With SMH10R you can call hands free on your Bluetooth mobile phone, listen to stereo music or voice instructions of GPS navigations by Bluetooth wirelessly and have intercom conversations in full duplex with other riders
  • Thanks to the latest Bluetooth and the advanced digital signal processing technology inherited from the SMH10, the SMH10R offers the best sound quality for both incoming and outgoing sound in the class
  • Its super thin and compact from factor contribute higher performance for sports bike riding

  • Yderligere information

    Vægt 0,094 kg
    Størrelse 17 × 8,8 × 3,8 cm

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