Varenummer (SKU): 400210850085 Kategorier: , ,

290 kr. inkl. moms

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Gasket Kit

  • Superior-quality gasket sets from Athena
  • Head gaskets feature rubber-coated spring steel construction
  • Soft steel base gaskets are rubber coated
  • Steel core materials feature high springback and superior tensile strength
  • Revolutionary transparent coating guarantees a perfect seal even at extremely high temperatures
  • High-temperature blue silicone beading on most critical flat gaskets
  • Includes top-quality gaskets, rubber parts to rebuild top-end and complete engines respectively
  • Oil seals not included.

  • Yderligere information

    Vægt 0,1 kg
    Størrelse 29,8 × 20 × 1 cm
    Mærke Model Årgang
    HONDA CR 80 R 1992
    HONDA CR 80 R 1993
    HONDA CR 80 R 1994
    HONDA CR 80 R 1995
    HONDA CR 80 RB 1996
    HONDA CR 80 RB 1997
    HONDA CR 80 RB 1998
    HONDA CR 80 RB 1999
    HONDA CR 80 RB 2000
    HONDA CR 80 RB 2001
    HONDA CR 80 RB 2002
    HONDA CR 85 R 2003
    HONDA CR 85 R 2004
    HONDA CR 85 R 2005
    HONDA CR 85 R 2006
    HONDA CR 85 R 2007

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