Varenummer (SKU): 010116411 Kategorier: , ,

2.940 kr. inkl. moms


Discovery Helmet

  • Inner shell construction is EPS material allocated at different densities to disperse energy released un case of impact.
  • Outer shell construction use two mould sizes to increase performance dependant on size, using aramid carbon fiber combined with epoxy resin to make shell lightwieght, elastic and resistant.
  • Small shell sizes range from XS to M and larger shell size covers L to XXL.
  • “Advanced Padding System” kit included with the helmet allows interior to be customized for better fit and comfort.
  • Kit is made of breathable materials, is hypoallergenic and completely washable and removable.
  • Micrometric closure allows quick release and is prepared for installation of Bluetooth® communication systems.
  • Easy Fit system allows sufficient space for driving with prescription lenses.
  • Optimal ventilation ensured thanks to large front intake, chin guard intake and extractors on the back.
  • Scratch-resistant polycarbonate visor is also equipped with dark inner visor for optimal driving in all weather and light conditions, this visor is operated by lever on the left side of the helmet.
  • Helmet is also equipped with a Pinlock® lens that can be mounted without any equipment.
  • Specifically designed visor closure block on the chin guard is a special mechanism that with simple click makes the helmet quieter and safer even at high speeds.


Yderligere information

Vægt 2,509 kg
Størrelse 39,3 × 33,5 × 28,8 cm

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